News  |  7th May 2013

CEMARS accreditation for Aquamatic

Aquamatic Limited has been awarded certification to the world class, ISO accredited CEMARS carbon standard by the Achilles carbon Reduction programme. Certification to CEMARS, in accordance with ISO 14064-1 demonstrates Aquamatic’s commitment to measuring, managing and reducing greenhouse gas emissions in a robust and credible way. Aligning to the company’s environmental targets, verification of the company’s operational carbon footprint recognises the actions of Aquamatic to measure our greenhouse gas emissions, understand our carbon liabilities and put in place reduction plans to manage emissions across our organisation.

Aquamatic’s impact on the environment has always been core to how the company manages its business activities. As a supplier of sampling equipment to the environmental sector, the organisation is working to improve operational efficiency and take all possible steps to reduce its impact on the environment. Greenhouse gas emissions monitoring and reduction are a key part of this process, and having a verified and certified footprint and reduction plans ensure the organisation is in the best position to support customers in reducing emissions associated with their respective supply chains.

Dominic McGivern, Sales Manager has been responsible for the CEMARS implementation at Aquamatic Limited and commented, “Aquamatic manufacture wastewater samplers which are extensively used for environmental monitoring, and environmental best practice is fundamental to what we do - our company philosophy has always been to do everything that we can to minimise our impact on the environment. Having already achieved ISO14001 certification, we saw CEMARS as a further step in our programme to measure and then reduce our carbon footprint. In turn this benefits our customers in their minimisation of the carbon footprint of their own supply chain. Working through the CEMARS process of measurement has brought into sharp focus how our business activities can directly affect our Greenhouse Gas emissions and this has immediately allowed us to implement new strategies to minimise these emissions.”

Aquamatic Limited has achieved CEMARS for its operational carbon footprint for the measurement year 1st November 2010 to 31st October 2011. In order to achieve CEMARS, Aquamatic has set some key reduction activities and targets for reducing carbon emissions over the coming years. Key targets include an annual reduction in emissions intensity (measured against turnover) of five percent over the next five years. In order to achieve these reductions the organisation will be working to maximise the efficiency of service vehicle usage, reviewing procurement policies on company vehicles and ensuring on-going improvements in data quality and collection.

Frances Darton, Sustainability Sector Manager at Achilles commented, “I am delighted that Aquamatic has achieved CEMARS certification as this demonstrates commitment from the organisation, not only to monitor and manage its own carbon impact, but also to support their customers in the drive to reduce carbon emissions from the supply chain. The reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and carbon efficiency are rising on the agenda of organisations across the UK as companies work to meet government carbon reduction targets. Aquamatic, having achieved CEMARS certification, is a step ahead in supporting these ambitions.”

About CEMARS – CEMARS is the world class greenhouse gas emissions standard adopted by Achilles for its carbon reduction programme. It is the world’s first internationally accredited greenhouse gas certification scheme to ISO 14065. Over 140 organisations in the UK are registered to CEMARS, including the following in the Utility and Water sector; ABB, Anglian Water, Balfour Beatty Utility Solutions, Elster Metering, South West Water, and Radius Systems. For further information visit or contact Frances Darton (

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