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Since being established in 1991 Aquamatic has focused solely on the design and manufacture of high quality, robust and reliable Wastewater Sampling Equipment. Still based in Manchester, England, Aquamatic now produces the highly respected Aquacell product range which is used throughout the UK and in many countries around the world. The Aquacell range of Wastewater Samplers is used extensively by the major UK Water Companies and in a wide variety of industry sectors ranging from Nuclear Power to Confectionary. Aquamatic is constantly striving to provide customers with excellence in both its products and support
Every model in the Aquamatic Wastewater Sampler range embodies the well proven, robust and reliable Aquacell Module. This module benefits from many years of experience and refinement. Customers new to wastewater sampling find programming of the Aquacell extremely straightforward and intuitive. Once a customer has become familiar with programming an Aquacell Sampler, whichever the model, they will be able to work with all the other models in the range
MCERTS is a performance standard establish by the UK Environment Agency in order to ensure that equipment being used for monitoring purposes is capable of reliably providing representative samples or data to the appropriate monitoring body
In 2005 Aquamatic became the first Wastewater Sampler manufacturer to receive the coveted Environment Agency MCERTS Certificate for ‘Continuous Water Monitoring Equipment – Automatic Sampling Equipment’ from SIRA Certification Service (SCS). Today EVERY Aquacell Wastewater Sampler in the Aquamatic range is MCERTS Certified
Aquamatic believes there is no better way to obtain a truly representative sample of wastewater. The air pump vacuum system incorporated into every Aquacell is completely isolated from the wastewater itself, samples are moved from source to the chosen Sample Collection Vessel via an open bore tube system which means they do not get ‘squeezed’ or altered as they might with other sampling equipment techniques
Starting with the 5 x 12mm diameter port stainless steel Intake Filter the internal diameters of the intake path increase as the wastewater progresses through the system. As such, whatever gets sucked in though the Intake Filter should pass cleanly through the system and deposit into the Sample Collection Vessel beneath your Sampler
Yes, via the Ancillary Signal Connection, all Aquacell Samplers can operate in conjunction with Flow Meters, Level Sensors or any other device providing a contact closure or 4-20mA signal
MCERTS requires that samples are lifted at an average velocity of 0.5m/s lift velocity. Being MCERTS certified each Aquacell Sampler will achieve this, details of the lift height testing are in the MCERTS Certificate. Higher lifts are possible but lift velocity will be reduced as a result
For these applications we can supply a Glass Sample Chamber and special Sample Chamber Top plus a range of single and multiple container glass sample collection options are also available
Yes, all Aquacell Samplers can be controlled and interrogated via the Ancillary Signal Connection option
Yes, either direct from our factory in the UK or via our worldwide network of Distributors, our Customer’s Samplers can be Commissioned, Maintained and Serviced by an Aquamatic Certified Engineer. See Our Services page for more details
When installed correctly there is very little that the user needs to do to ensure uninterrupted operation of their Aquacell Sampler. Aquamatic will provide regular preventative maintenance, typically every 6 months by trained Aquamatic Certified Engineers. During this visit required consumables will be replaced and key performance indicators, such as pressure and vacuum will be checked to confirm that your Aquacell is running perfectly. See Our Services page for more details
Yes, we have a fleet of rental Samplers which are available for rental. Please use the Enquire Now form if you would like a quote for Sampler rental
Yes, with our S300 Series provision has been made for additional equipment in the form of a mounting plate or a weather protected equipment enclosure. Each of these have both power and signal (if Ancillary Signal Connection is specified) connections provided
Aquamatic has just the solution. Within the range of Bottlers is the 2 x 4.5 litre Self-Emptying Bottler. This Bottler will collect samples and automatically dispose of them after a set period of time. Often this Bottler is set up to fill alternative bottles on alternative days, and as such yesterday’s samples are always available
Aquacell Samplers don’t analyse anything, they simply (and rather elegantly!) collect and store samples of wastewater. Usually the collected samples are then taken by the operator or trade effluent officer to a laboratory for analysis

ISO 9001-2015 Certificate
Quality, not cost, is the foundation upon which the Aquacell range of Wastewater Samplers was established. Having ISO 9001 registration...
ISO 14001-2015 Certificate
Further demonstrating Aquamatics commitment to monitoring and minimising its impact on the environment. ISO 14001 was achieved in 2012 and...
MCERTS Certificate
MCERTS is a performance standard established by the UK Environment Agency in order to ensure that equipment being used for...
UVDB Certificate
Aquamatic Limited are certified under the Achilles UVDB scheme, a pre-qualification system for suppliers within the UK utilities sector allowing...
Safe Contractor Certificate
Aquamatic Limited are certified under the Achilles UVDB scheme, a pre-qualification system for suppliers within the UK utilities sector allowing...