News | 7th May 2013
Aquamatic Expands
On the year of its 20th Anniversary, Aquamatic Limited, the manufacturer of MCERTS compliant Wastewater Sampling Equipment, has just completed construction of its brand new manufacturing facility in the North West of England. More than doubling the size of the previous building this move is a welcome success story in these challenging economic times.

Jeremy Smith, Aquamatic Managing Director, recently opened the new unit and commented ‘We are a manufacturer, and as such everything thing we do is about ‘THE PRODUCT’, our investment in this new facility will allow us not only to continue to manufacture what we feel is the best wastewater sampling equipment in the world, but also enhance and develop our range now and into the future.’ He added, ‘Because we designed our new facility from a blank canvas, we have been able to introduce whole new concepts in terms of stock control / scheduling, production planning, and work flow efficiencies. Today’s event marks a key milestone in our journey to sustain and enhance our world-class levels of product and service excellence in an increasingly demanding market.’
Environmental pollution has never before been so closely monitored; the need for robust and reliable sampling equipment is greater than ever. The growing pressure on ‘accountability for waste’ from the agencies and water companies both in the UK and worldwide, is driving the need for companies to monitor closely what is being discharged from their factories and plants. The UK Environment Agencies MCERTS scheme has, by defining a standard for Wastewater Sampling Equipment, benefitted these companies by removing the uncertainties relating to purchasing equipment about which they often know very little. From the very outset of the MCERTS scheme Aquamatic have embraced its requirements and were the first company to receive certification for one of the cooled units in the Aquacell Portable range, since then the company have gone on to achieve 100% certification for its whole range of Aquacell Samplers.
Mr Smith, also commented ‘The last 5 years has seen many changes within our company, both in product and personnel. The new S300 Series of fixed site samplers has been introduced and has become a standard in various markets, both domestic and overseas. Our expansion within existing markets added to exploration into new ones has necessitated this new building which in turn has allowed us to increase our workforce, the associated machinery and vehicles. This move has provided us with a bespoke facility which will not only allow us to better serve our existing install base of over 5000 units, but also enable us to cope with the ever growing requirements from home and overseas. Additionally our extensive new Research and Development department is allowing us to push forwards with new product concepts as well as existing product enhancements.’
Aquamatic’s new facility boasts a two tier production facility and dedicated Service and R&D Departments incorporating short and long term testing facilities.
By working closely with industrial companies, and understanding the requirements of the Water Companies and the Environment Agency, Aquamatic has shaped and developed its Aquacell range into a highly respected series of Wastewater Samplers, sold into 15 countries overseas as well as extensively throughout the UK.
For more information the new Aquamatic production facility and details of its range of MCERTS compliant Wastewater Samplers, please visit the Aquamatic website
Aquamatic Limited
Irlam Business Centre
Soapstone Way
M44 6GP