News  |  7th May 2013

Aquamatic ‘Weighs-In’ with Special Product Success

Understanding that every Wastewater Sampler application is not the same has been a critical part of Aquamatic’s success in this rapidly expanding equipment sector. Demonstrating this again recently, Aquamatic secured a large order for specially customised Aquacell S320H units required to provide visual and electronic data outputs relating to the weight of the samples being collected inside the unit. Aquamatic Sales Manager, Dominic McGivern commented ‘In an application where effluent flow is very erratic it is not always possible for a Wastewater Sampler to successfully extract a full sample volume every time it tries. Although this ‘missed / incomplete sample’ can already be outputted as a warning from the sampler, by using the S300 Weighing System an exact indication of volume can be provided to, and recorded by, the customer.’

He continued ‘Although Aquamatic offer an excellent range of well established Wastewater Samplers we understand that customers can sometimes require something a little bit different, this is often the case in overseas markets. From the outset Aquamatic has appreciated that selling standard items off a price list does not always give the customer exactly what they need. When we were approached by Richard Barmentloo, Managing Director of Bar Instruments, our Dutch distributor, we realised that the key to fully meeting the customers requirement was to ensure that we clearly understood the details of the remit, following extended discussions with Richard and his client we came up with our proposal.’

Integrating perfectly with any of the four Aquacell S300 Series models the new S300 Weighing System provides the perfect solution for when precise, real-time weight information relating to collected sample volume is required. Customers can select from a range of Sample Collection Vessels which would be positioned on the stainless steel weighing plate in the lower compartment. Signals from this plate are routed through to the digital control display unit which is panel mounted conveniently next to the Sampler Module. Both of the outdoor Aquacell S300 Series models, the S310H and S320H, are supplied as standard with a sealed, lift-up Protection Cover which secures this equipment under a lockable lid. Signals from the digital controller display unit can be wired through to the Sampler module or to the output wiring panel on the reverse of the cabinet for external connection to a data logger or similar.

Richard Barmentloo commented ‘Being Aquamatic’s Dutch distributor since 2008, I knew from the beginning that we had added an experienced Sampler manufacturer with an excellent reputation to our supplier portfolio. Aquamatic’s flexible and professional approach is just what my customer’s need, especially when they are looking for a specific solution to deal with their particular effluent monitoring needs. My customers can be confident that Bar Instruments will supply Wastewater Sampler equipment which is not only proven, but when necessary, adapted to their own needs. This has been clearly demonstrated again recently with the development of the weighing system in the Aquacell S300 sample cabinet. This will be used by the end customer to remotely get live information over the sampling process. Providing this new facility has given my customer the ideal solution to their problem, and has once again shown the market that we are here to work with them to provide the best equipment for their specific needs.’

Dominic added ‘Providing special product solutions such as this one for Bar Instruments, has always been a great way to further explore the potential of our products at the same time as giving our customers what they need. Often these ‘specials’ end up being incorporated into our standard product range. One of our most successful Portable Samplers, the Aquacell P2-COOLBOX, was initially developed as a ‘special’ following an enquiry from one of the large UK Water Companies. Regardless of whether customers buy from the price list or require something a little different, they will always be assured of professional and friendly support throughout the whole customer experience, from initial consultation to onsite commissioning, operational training and ongoing maintenance.’
Listening to industrial customers, the Water Companies and the requirements of the Environment Agency has helped develop the Aquamatic range into what is now a class leading series of Wastewater Samplers, sold throughout the world.

Contact Aquamatic for more information on the new S300 Series Weighing System or any other Aquamatic product.

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